Veronica Grembi is an Associate Professor of Economics at the State University of Milan, Department of Economics, where she landed after working as Assistant Professor at the Copenhagen Business School and Associate Professor at the University of Reggio Calabria. Her main fields of interest are health economics, political economy, and public economics. By applying quasi-experimental identification strategies, she has addressed different research questions about legal rules in the healthcare sector (e.g., medical malpractice), cost allocation in the litigation process, public policies on the decisions of subnational governments (e.g., fiscal rules), and political bias in the judicial decision making process (e.g., Constitutional Courts). More recently, she has been working on the role of patients in affecting medical treatment selection and the migration of physicians within Europe. She has been granted a Fulbright Scholarship (cohort 2019/20) to visit the CHW.
Veronica Grembi
Visiting Fellow
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