Complete List of Former Visitors
Below is a complete list of researchers who have visited CHW since its inception in 2000.
Mark Alfano
Mark Alfano was a Postdoctoral Research Associate during the 2012-13 academic year, who specialized in ethics and moral psychology. While at Princeton, he worked on an empirically informed theory of the nature of desire, preference, and value, along with the upshots of this theory for accounts of right action, practical rationality, and public policy. Mark holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), and a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Princeton. He has also written extensively on Nietzsche and experimental philosophy. He taught a spring course, which focused on moral psychology.
José Ricardo Ayres
José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita Ayres is Full Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine of the School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP) and former USP Deputy Provost of University Extension. He is Chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine. His main area of interest is public health with an emphasis on primary care. He works in the Samuel B. Pessoa Health Center where he is in charge of the Adolescent’s Health Program. He is the author of “Cuidado: trabalho e interação nas práticas de saúde” [Care: work and interaction in health practices] (Rio de Janeiro, CEPESC-UERJ, 2011), “Sobre o risco: para compreender a epidemiologia” [On risk: understanding epidemiology] (São Paulo, Hucitec, 2008, 3rd. Ed.), also published in Spanish (Buenos Aires, Lugar Editorial, 2005), “Epidemiologia e emancipação” [Epidemiology and emancipation] (São Paulo, Hucitec, 2011, 3rd. Ed), as well as articles in various international journals. His research explores the following themes: Care, primary health care, prevention and health promotion, adolescent health, HIV/AIDS, risk and vulnerability (conceptual and applied), historical and epistemological development of epidemiology and public health.
Anne Andermann
Anne Andermann is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. As a public health physician and family doctor, she combines clinical work, research, teaching and public health practice. Her main research interests focus on decision making for health from patient choice to global policy. As a Rhodes Scholar she completed a doctoral degree in public health at the University of Oxford in the area of women's health, risk communication and informed choices. As a researcher for the Quebec Health Technology Assessment Agency she developed a decision guide for genetic screening policymaking that makes explicit the ethical dilemmas often inherent to such decisions. More recently, as a staff member at the World Health Organization in Geneva, she worked on strengthening research capacity in developing and transitional countries. She was also a member of the WHO Research Ethics Review Committee and a contributor to the World Health Report on increasing universal access to primary health care. Anne continues to work as a consultant for WHO, as well as for state and local public health agencies. While at Princeton, in addition to her research, Anne taught undergraduate and graduate level epidemiology courses as part of the Global Health and Health Policy programs.
Nicole E. Basta
Nicole E. Basta was a special visitor with the Center for Health and Wellbeing. Nicole is an Associate Research Scholar in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton, an affiliate investigator in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and a Research Associate with the NIH Fogarty International Center Research and Policy for Infectious Disease Dynamics (RAPIDD) Program. She is interested in understanding the epidemiology of infectious diseases, assessing the impact of vaccines and vaccinations programs, identifying risk factors for disease, and exploring health disparities in both the US and abroad. Her work is at the intersection of epidemiology, population biology, and demography. She is currently leading a large, prospective cohort study of the impact of the 2010 meningococcal A conjugate mass-vaccination campaign in Bamako, Mali, with support from the NIH Director's Early Independence Award. With support from Princeton's Program on US Health Policy, she is assessing the impact of the meningococcal B vaccination campaigns following the 2013 Princeton outbreak. Nicole earned her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington School of Public Health, MPhil in Epidemiology from the University of Cambridge where she studied as a Gates-Cambridge Scholar, and AB from Princeton's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Lawrence Berger
Lawrence received his Ph.D. from the School of Social Work at Columbia University in March 2002, and his research focused on the determinants of child maltreatment. While at Princeton, he spent part of his time working with Professor Christina Paxson on a research study titled "Economic Status, Public Policy and Child Neglect," which is affiliated with the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study.
Gustavo J. Bobonis
Gustavo J. Bobonis visited CHW in the fall of 2008. Gustavo is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. His research lies at the intersection of the fields of development economics, labor economics, economic history, and political economy. At CHW he continued his work on the role of historical political and governance institutions in influencing the advancement of human development-promoting organizations in the Americas throughout the 20th century. He also conducts research on the household and neighborhood-level interactions which influence private and public investments in individuals' human development in less-developed countries, and applied policy research on interventions intended to improve the financial and socio-economic status of low-income families. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California-Berkeley in 2005.
Vicki Bogan
Vicki Bogan was a visiting fellow at the Center for Health and Wellbeing during the fall 2013 semester. She came to Princeton from Cornell University, where she is an associate professor at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. She holds a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University, an MBA in finance and strategic management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and a Sc.B. degree in Applied Mathematics and Economics from Brown University. Vicki’s research interests are in the areas of financial economics, behavioral finance, and applied microeconomics centering on issues involving investment decision making behavior and financial markets. She explores questions relating to investment decision making and household portfolio allocation with the goal of shedding light on how to better model observed behavior. Her current research investigates questions at the intersection of household financial decision making and health economics.
Kimberly Bonner
Kimberly Bonner was a departmental guest with CHW from the fall of 2013 to February 2016. She is a research associate with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Access Campaign. She came to Princeton from Geneva, Switzerland where she was working with MSF’s Access Campaign on systematic reviews, pricing reports for HIV diagnostics, and a landscape analysis on vaccine adaptation in clinical development. She received a Masters in Public Affairs (MPA) from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and was selected as one of the inaugural recipients of the Scholars in the Nations’ Service Initiative fellowship where she worked within Tanzania’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare on a national malaria bed net distribution. Her research focuses on incentivizing vaccine adaptation, providing price transparency for HIV diagnostics, and generating a rigorous evidence base through systematic reviews.
Betsey Brada
Betsey Brada was a postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Health and Wellbeing during the 2013 and 2014 academic years. At CHW, she engaged students working toward the Global Health and Health Policy certificate. She came to Princeton from the University of Chicago, where she completed her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in sociocultural anthropology. Her research and teaching interests include: the anthropology of global health, science studies and the anthropology of expertise, political anthropology and anthropology of the state, the anthropology of development and humanitarian interventions, semiotic approaches to anthropology, and social and cultural theory. Between 2004 and 2008, Betsey conducted ethnographic research in southeastern Botswana, investigating the institutions, practices, and imaginaries glossed as "global health." Her dissertation "Botswana as a Living Experiment" demonstrates how bodily interventions serve as sites for the refashioning of subjects and the reordering of semiotic modalities, forming the grounds for new forms of expertise and value and new ways of producing futures. Her research and writing have been funded by the U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays program, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and the University of Chicago Social Sciences Collegiate Division. Her current research examines the impact of Botswana's national HIV/AIDS treatment program on the country's medical education system.
Ron Brookmeyer
Ron Brookmeyer was a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Health and Wellbeing during the 2008-09 academic year. Ron is Professor of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. His research, which is at the interface of biostatistics, epidemiology and public health, uses the tools of statistical science and epidemiology to address and measure global public health problems such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic, biosecurity threats, and the health challenges of aging populations. He is currently collaborating with the CDC on new estimates of HIV incidence in the U.S., and he chaired the international advisory panel to UNAIDS/WHO that reviewed the latest global HIV/AIDS statistics. His current work includes forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Brookmeyer's work on biosecurity threats such as anthrax, has led to his recent appointment to the National Biosurveillance Advisory Committee to the Director of the CDC. Dr. Brookmeyer is a member of the Institute of Medicine. He served as chair of the Statistics Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He received his BS from Cooper Union, and MS and Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Wisconsin.
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Jeanne came to CHW as a nationally recognized leader in the field of child development. At the time of her visit, Dr. Brooks-Gunn she was the Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Child Development and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, the first director of the Center for Children and Families at Teachers College, and Co-Director of the Institute for Child and Family Policy at Columbia University. In addition, she had directed the Adolescent Study Program at Teachers College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. Dr. Brooks-Gunn has written over 325 published articles and 14 books, and has won numerous awards for her research. She specializes in policy-oriented research focusing on family and community influences upon the development of children and youth.
Alison Buttenheim
Alison Buttenheim came to the Center for Health and Wellbeing as a Post-doctoral Research Associate from the University of California, Los Angeles where she recently completed her Ph.D. in public health. She also completed demography training at the California Center of Population Research. Her research focuses broadly on health and development, with a particular focus on maternal-child health in vulnerable settings. Recent projects include an evaluation of an experimental school feeding intervention in Laos, analyses on the health impacts of the 1998 floods in Bangladesh, and an assessment of a hygienic latrine program in a Bangladesh slum community. Other areas of research interest include: forced migration, infectious disease and climate change, and tobaco control in developing countries. Alison holds an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and a BA from Yale University.
Noël Cameron
Noël Cameron was a visiting fellow at CHW during the spring 2008 semester. He is a Human Biologist specializing in the growth and development of children with special reference to those in developing countries. After receiving a PhD in Medicine from London University he undertook research in normal and abnormal growth at the Hospital For Sick Children, Great Ormond Street and the Institute of Child Health, University College London. Between 1984 and 1997 he undertook research in South Africa initiating the Birth to Twenty birth-cohort study in Soweto and Johannesburg in 1991. His research interests include the relationship between social and economic transition and child growth particularly the childhood determinants of risk factors for obesity and the metabolic syndrome. He is currently working on the nutritional transition during adolescence, factors affecting the timing and duration of pubertal development amongst African urban children, and the causes of increased risk for non-communicable diseases of lifestyle amongst south Asians in the UK.
Marcia Castro
Marcia Castro was a research associate with CHW from 2002 to 2004. She received her Ph.D. in Demography from Princeton University in July 2002, and her research focused on the interrelationships between human migration, ecological transformation and malaria transmission on the Amazon frontier. During her tenure at CHW, Dr. Castro worked with Professor Burton Singer on the interplay between socioeconomic transformation, ecology, and health on the Amazon frontier.
Elizabeth Chiarello
Elizabeth Chiarello was a postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Health and Wellbeing. She came to Princeton from the University of California, Irvine, where she completed her Ph.D. in sociology. She also holds a master's degree in counseling psychology from the University of Oregon. Her research and teaching interests include law and society, medical sociology, professions/organizations, social movements, and reproductive health. For her dissertation titled "Pharmacists of Conscience: Ethical Decision-Making and the Consistency of Care" she conducted qualitative interviews with over 100 pharmacists in four states with different "pharmacists' responsibility laws" designed to constrain or expand moral grounds of decision-making in pharmacy practice. The study examines how healthcare professionals envision and enact gatekeeping roles in daily practice and how those roles articulate with legal requirements and perceptions of patients' deservingness of care, issues that bring together medical, legal, fiscal, and moral dimensions of healthcare. Her research has been supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Her current research extends findings from her dissertation research on reproductive health and addiction, two critical ethical issues in contemporary pharmacy practice.
Susan Clampet-Lundquist
Susan came to CHW in 2004 after having completed her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2003 and serving, in 2003-04, as a post-doctoral fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research and a visiting researcher in the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing at Princeton. Her dissertation entitled "Hope or Harm?: Deconcentration and the Welfare of Families in Public Housing" analyzed the experience of single mothers in North Philadelphia.
Susan has extensive experience conducting qualitative analysis, having worked with Kathryn Edin on four projects: Next Generation, Urban Change, Parenting, and Non-custodial Fathers. Her earlier master's degrees in Demography and Urban Studies have also given her a strong background in quantitative analysis, making her particularly well-suited to undertake new work with Jeffrey Kling integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis of the effects on families of moving out of public housing projects to lower poverty neighborhoods using housing vouchers in the Moving to Opportunity demonstration.
Janet Currie
Janet Currie has been a visiting research scholar at CHW on two occasions - during the 2002-03 academic year and the 2009-10 academic year. She is the Sami Mnaymneh Professor of Economics at Columbia University and Director of the Program on Families and Children at the National Bureau of Economic Research. She has served on several National Academy of Sciences panels including the Committee on Population, and on the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association. She has also served as a consultant for the National Health Interview Survey and the National Longitudinal Surveys. She is a Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists, an affiliate of the University of Michigan's National Poverty Center, and an affiliate of IZA in Bonn. She is on the advisory board of the National Children's Study and on the editorial board of the Quarterly Journal of Economics. She has served several other journals in an editorial capacity including the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Labor Economics, and theJournal of Public Economics.
Her research focuses on the health and wellbeing of children. She has written about early intervention programs, programs to expand health insurance and improve health care, public housing, and food and nutrition programs. Much of this research is summarized in "The Invisible Safety Net: Protecting the Nation's Poor Children and Families," Princeton University Press (2006), which has just been released in paperback. Janet's current research focuses on socioeconomic differences in child health, and on environmental threats to children's health from sources such as toxic pollutants and fast food.
Liam Delaney
Liam Delaney is Deputy Director and a senior researcher in the UCD Geary Institute, and a lecturer holding a tenured appointment with the UCD School of Public Health and Population Science and the UCD School of Economics. He lectures econometrics, health economics and behavioural economics in University College Dublin and supervises post-graduate students in economics and public health. He is currently the Irish coordinator of the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe, principal investigator of the Irish University Study, Irish country representative for the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, and leads a number of studies relating to human behaviour, well-being and health. Dr. Delaney received his Ph.D. in economics in 2004 from Trinity College Dublin. His research there was funded by a Government of Ireland Scholarship. He was a postdoctoral research fellow with the Economic and Social Research Institute from 2004 to 2005. In 2009, he received the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland's Barrington Medal. He is a 2010 Fulbright Fellow. His main research interest lie in using novel measures of well-being and time preferences to shed light on long-running questions about the determinants of health and well-being. He has published in journals such as Health Psychology, Fiscal Studies, Journal of European Economics Association, Economic Inquiry, and Journal of Economic Psychology.
Paul Dolan
Paul Dolan visited CHW for the 2004-2005 academic year. He was a Professor of Economics and Director of the newly-established Centre for Well-being in Public Policy at the University of Sheffield. His general research interests fall into two areas. One strand of his research examines how individual and social well-being should be defined and measured for practical policy purposes. A second strand is concerned with the measurement of individual's preferences for use in informing resource allocation decisions in the public sector. Most of his research to date has explored these topics within the context of health and health care. He has written a book on these issues with Professor Jan Abel Olsen, titled "Distributing health care: economic and ethical issues," published by Oxford University Press in 2002. In recognition of the quality of his research, Dolan received the 2002 Philip Leverhulme Prize, a prestigious award given to outstanding young British researchers.
Esther Duflo
Esther Duflo was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2001-2002 academic year. At the time of her visit, she was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research interests include development economics and human resources in developing countries. During her visit, Professor Duflo studied the relationship between women’s empowerment, public goods provision, and investments in the health and education of children.
Avi Ebenstein
Avi Ebenstein was a visiting research scholar at the Center for Health and Wellbeing for the 2014 academic year. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 2007 and is currently a Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Department of Economics. His fields of interest include environmental economics, economic demography, and international trade. Avi's past research has focused primarily on issues related to China, including the health impacts of air and water pollution, causes and consequences for the country’s high sex ratio at birth, internal migration, and the impact of China’s entry into the global economy on wage patterns domestically and in the United States.
Christine Eibner
Christine Eibner was a visiting research associate at CHW during the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 academic years. While at CHW, she continued her work on economic status and health. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland. Her thesis research was on income, relative deprivation, and mortality.
Helen Epstein
Helen Epstein is an independent consultant and writer specializing in public health in developing countries. She has conducted research on reproductive health and AIDS in Africa for such organizations as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Population Council and Human Rights Watch, and her articles have appeared in the New York Review of Books, Granta Magazine and many other publications. Her research interests include the right to health care in developing countries and the relationship between poverty and health in industrialized countries. She obtained a Ph.D. in molecular biology from Cambridge University in 1991 and an MSc in public health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1996.
Angela Fertig
Angela Fertig was a research associate at CHW and the Office of Population Research from 2002 to 2004. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University. Her research interests include intergenerational earnings mobility, family structure, child health, and child support.
Erica Field
Erica Field is an economist specializing in the fields of development, labor and economic demography. She completed her Ph.D in economics in 2003 from Princeton and is presently an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at Harvard and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). She was previously a post-doctoral fellow in the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research program at Harvard. Her past research focused on urban property reform in developing countries, including various dimensions of the household welfare effects of urban land titling programs and the relationship between property rights and collective action in urban and rural Peru. She has also studied the effect of educational debt burden on career choice and the welfare consequences of adolescent marriage in Bangladesh. Field is currently examining the relationship between microfinance contract design and micro-enterprise growth in India, and the impact of fetal iodine deficiency on schooling outcomes in Tanzania.
David Fisman
David Fisman visited CHW during the 2005-06 academic year while on leave from his position as Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Medicine at Drexel University School of Public Health and College of Medicine in Philadelphia. Dr. Fisman is a physician specializing in clinical infectious diseases, and a clinical epidemiologist. He completed training in health policy at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis before serving (from 2001 to 2003) as Associate Medical Officer of Health for the city of Hamilton, Ontario, ( Canada) and as Medical Director of the Hamilton Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic. While at the Center for Health and Wellbeing, Dr. Fisman will be pursuing two lines of inquiry. The first relates to better definition of the impact of acute environmental effects on the occurrence of seasonally-occurring infectious diseases, including several types of pneumonia, bacterial meningitis, and diarrheal disease. In addition, he will be developing novel approaches to assessment of cost-effectiveness of disease control programs that target infectious disease occurrence (e.g., vaccine programs). Because traditional approaches to the assessment of cost-effectiveness in health and medicine disregard the fundamental transmissibility of infectious diseases, they often fail to identify the value associated with such effects as "herd immunity" (i.e., the vaccination of sufficient numbers of individuals to make epidemics impossible). Better description of the true economic benefits of such programs, and of the costs associated with their elimination, will provide policy-makers with more accurate information on which to base decisions that impact population health.
Laura Frost
Laura Frost joined CHW during the 2005-06 academic year as a member of the research staff and WWS lecturer in Public & International Affairs. She holds a Doctor of Science and an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health, and an MALD from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University. Laura has been an independent consultant in global health policy for organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Trachoma Initiative. She also was a lecturer and Irish Government Health Research Board post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health at the National University of Ireland, Cork, where she conducted a three year study on the perceptions, practices, and policies of infant feeding in Ireland. Previously, she worked for non-governmental organizations in eastern and southern Africa.
Laura’s current research is based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis, and focuses on global health public-private partnerships and access to health technologies in developing countries for HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, trachoma, onchocerciasis, and malaria. At CHW, Laura continued her work in these research areas and also helped manage Princeton AIDS Initiative activities.
Thomas Getzen
Thomas Getzen was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2001-2002 academic year. At the time of his visit, he was the Professor and Director of a graduate program in Health Care Finance at Temple University’s School of Business and Management and the founding director of the International Health Economics Association. His interests are in the health care work force, changing mortality differentials by age groups, and health care finance. Professor Getzen served on the editorial boards of Health Economics and Journal of Health Administration Education and published articles on the forecasting of health expenditures, aging and long-term care financing, labor force trends, and national health.
Kerry Griffin
Kerry Griffin was a policy fellow at CHW and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation from 2005 to 2007. A graduate of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 2005, Kerry earned her masters in public affairs and a certificate in health and health policy. Prior to her studies, Kerry worked as a research assistant for both CHW and the Research Program in Development Studies, primarily assisting with research in South Africa seeking connections between income and health status. Kerry has also worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP in Manhattan, and has held internship positions at the National Womens Health Resource Center and at Johnson & Johnson Corporate Contributions.
Hans Groenqvist
Hans Groenqvist has a Ph.D. from Uppsala University (2009) and is currently Associate Professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. In his research he examines various issues related to labor economics with a special focus on analyzing different social problems. Ongoing work includes using Swedish population register data to examine the causes and consequences of criminal behavior as well as empirically investigating the link between time preferences and well-being. His dissertation received an honorable mention in the Upjohn Institute Dissertation Award. He has previously been a visiting scholar at Harvard University and University College London.
Bridget Gurtler
Bridget was a postdoctoral research associate at CHW from the fall of 2013 to the spring of 2015. Her research interests are in the history of medicine, science, gender, and health, with a particular focus on reproduction and reproductive technologies. Her current book project examines the evolution of assisted reproduction and parenthood in American medicine, families, and society. Focusing on the two hundred year history of artificial insemination, it investigates how popular and scientific ideas about gendered bodies, heredity, and risk shaped the transformation of sperm into a (frozen) commodity, were pivotal to separating the act of sex from reproduction, and laid the institutional foundations for the modern fertility industry. Her research includes the history of psychosomatic gynecology, urology, and andrology and to collaborations investigating the history of pediatric drug prescription practices in America. She received her Ph.D. in History from Rutgers University in 2013 where she was an Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Fellow and holds a M.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a B.A. from Wellesley College.
Stephanie Hauck
Stephanie Hauck was a postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Health and Wellbeing during the 2013 and 2014 academic years. In January 2013, she earned a Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Princeton University. In 2007, she completed a M.A. in globalization studies from Dartmouth College, after concluding a Fulbright to Tanzania in 2003-2004 to work with the Maasai in Monduli District. She also worked on several archaeological, environmental and women's rights projects with the National Natural History Museum of Tanzania and Department of Natural Resources between 2003 and 2007. Inspired by years of fieldwork and outreach among pastoralists, she decided to return to East Africa for dissertation fieldwork while pursuing her PhD at Princeton. Her dissertation, titled “Pastoralist Societies in Flux: The Impact of Ecology, Markets, and Governmental Assistance on the Mukugodo Maasai of Kenya,” illustrates the relationship between globalization and apparent transformations by linking pastoral families via their pastoral production and other economic activities to the cash economy, modern diets and nutritional status (health), and public and private assistance and programs (such as food aid). Additionally, while working in Kenya, she started a community health outreach center with the Ministry of Health in Ilmotiok Group Ranch (Laikipia) to provide free treatment to community members and collect demographic surveillance statistics (clinical diagnosis and treatment, birth statistics, morbidity, nutritional profiles) on pastoral populations accessing the center. Looking forward, she is expanding her research to include collaborations at Princeton and beyond on the etiology of infectious disease, disease dynamics, vaccine efficacy, and nutrition transitions among pastoralists in Kenya. At CHW, she engages students working toward the Global Health and Health Policy certificate and Senior Thesis Research at Mpala Research Center, Kenya.
Thomas Hertz
Thomas Hertz was a research associate at CHW during the 2001-2002 academic year. His research focuses on education, poverty and health in developing countries. During his visit, Dr. Hertz was involved in South African research underway at CHW and the Research Program in Development Studies. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in the spring of 2001.
Barbara Heyns
Barbara Heyns visited CHW and the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing during the 2005-06 academic year. She is Professor of Sociology at New York University, where she has taught since 1980. She has a MA and a PhD from the University of Chicago, and has also taught at Harvard University and at the University of California at Berkeley. She has held Visiting Appointments at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Bremen University in Germany, the University of Warsaw in Poland, and at the European University Institute in Florence. As the founding Director of the Center for Applied Social Science Research, she held numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Education, and numerous foundations. Between 1989 and 1992, she was a Senior Fulbright Fellow in Poland, and served as a CIES policy liaison for higher education in transitional countries. She published numerous articles on the market transition and on educational reform internationally. The bulk of her research focuses on education and social policy. She is a co-author of Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effects of Family and Schooling in America with Christopher Jencks et al. Her book, Summer Learning and the Effects of Schooling, demonstrates that about 80% of the achievement gap attributed to race and family income levels accumulate during the summer months, when schools are closed. Learning is a non-linear process; schools promote both individual growth and equality of outcomes. At present, she is completing a long-term project on the organization and delivery of professional services for children.
Jenny Higgins
Jenny Higgins joined the Center for Health and Wellbeing as a Post-doctoral Research Associate. Jenny researches sexuality and sexual pleasure-seeking, particularly how they influence contraceptive use, unintended pregnancy, and HIV risk. She also explores how gender, social class, and other social inequalities shape public health notions about sexual health: namely, how controllable and alterable certain people's sexual behaviors are compared to others. She came to the CHW in the fall of 2007 from a post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia University's HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. Jenny has also worked and interned at a number of health agencies, incuding the Guttmacher Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ipas, and the Academy for Education Development. She completed post-doctoral training in HIV/AIDS and Sexuality at Columbia University in 2007. In 2005, she received her Ph.D. in Women's Studies and an MPH in Global Health from Emory University.
John Hobcraft
John Hobcraft was a visiting research scholar with CHW during the spring term of 2004. At the time of his visit, he was a Professor of Population Studies in the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics (from October1, 2004 he became Professor of Social Policy and Demography at the University of York). His research covers many facets of demography, including methodology and substance on the topics of child health and mortality, fertility, partnership, family, and gender. John Hobcraft has worked extensively on demographic behavior and its underpinnings for both the developing world and for Britain and Europe. During his time at Princeton he mainly worked on a paper on new directions for demographic research, that explores links to genetics and brain science. He also completed draft papers making cross-cohort comparisons on the childhood antecedents of adult socioeconomic disadvantage and on the short and long term consequences of family disruption.
Karla Hoff
Karla Hoff was a visiting research scholar with the Center for Health and Wellbeing for the 2008-09 academic year. Karla is a Senior Research Economist at the World Bank. Her experimental research in rural India examines the implications of a history of severe inequality on pro-social norms, voluntary cooperation, and the self-confidence of the traditionally repressed group. Her recent theoretical work investigates social norms, culture, and political conditions that enable development, for instance in the context of exiting a lawless state such as that of Russia in the 1990s. She has also studied coordination failure in contexts including kin group persistence and community formation. Karla holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University, an M.A, from the Fletcher School, and a B.A. in French from Wellesley College. She worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cote d'Ivoire.
Margot Jackson
Margot Jackson was a post-doctoral fellow with the Office of Population Research and the Center for Health and Wellbeing. She is a sociologist and demographer with interests in social stratification, health and child wellbeing. Specifically, she is interested in understanding how the relationship between health and social status evolves over the life course and across generations. Her work examines the social causes and consequences of health inequalities among children and young adults, and the broader role that health disparities play in generating social inequality intragenerationally and maintaining it intergenerationally. Using several U.S. and British data sources, she has studied children's neighborhood context, the role of education in explaining links between early-life health and adult social status, and the timing of children's exposure to poor health and socioeconomic disadvantage. She has a BA in community health from Brown University, and an MA and Ph.D. in sociology from UCLA.
Joanna Kempner
Joanna Kempner was a post-doctoral research associate at the CHW from 2006-2008. She came to the CHW from the University of Michigan where she was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholar in Health Policy and holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research investigates the intersection of gender with medicine and health and science policy. At present, she is writing a book manuscript on migraine that examines the gendered social values embedded in the way we talk about, understand, and make policies for people in pain. She is also completing a long-term project on the politicization and suppression of controversial NIH-funded health research.
Reetika Khera
Reetika Khera completed a Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics in the Spring of 2006. Her dissertation examined drought-related government interventions (especially public works programmes) and was based on fieldwork conducted in four districts of Rajasthan in 2002-3. During the 2006-07 academic year, she was a post-doctoral research associate and worked with Angus Deaton (in collaboration with Jean Drèze at the Delhi School of Economics), looking at the factors that affect mortality and fertility in India.
Kathleen Kiernan
Kathleen Kiernan was a visiting scholar at the CHW during the spring term 2004. She is a Professor of Social Policy and Demography and Co-Director of the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics. She has conducted research on a wide range of issues pertaining to family life including, teenage parenthood, marriage, divorce, cohabitation, non-marital childbearing, lone-motherhood and demography of disadvantage. Much of her research uses longitudinal data from the British birth cohort studies and more recently comparative data from a range of European countries and the USA. During her stay she carried out research on unmarried parenthood and its implications for the well-being of parents and children and also wrote a paper on “Redrawing the Boundaries of Marriage” for a special edition of Journal of Marriage and the Family on the Future of Marriage due November 2004.
David Krol
Dr. Krol was a Departmental Guest at CHW for the 2014-2015 academic year. David, a pediatrician, is a Senior Program Officer for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He is focused on developing health and health care leaders who will build and sustain a culture of health. Prior to joining the Foundation, David was associate professor and chair of the department of pediatrics at the University of Toledo College of Medicine. He is passionate about improving the physical, mental, and social health and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. A recognized leader in children’s oral health, David has served on many expert panels, advisory groups, and taskforces including the 2011 Institute of Medicine Committee on Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations. David received a BA from the University of Toledo. Drafted by the Minnesota Twins, he played professional baseball for three years. He received his MD from Yale University School of Medicine and completed a residency in pediatrics at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Cleveland. He received an MPH from the Mailman School of Public Health.
Ingrid le Roux
Ingrid le Roux is a Swedish physician who has spent most of her professional life working in Africa. She is the medical director of a non governmental maternal and child health organization operating in the informal settlements on the outskirts of Cape Town and in the deeply rural Eastern Cape. Her work focuses on maternal health, the medical care and nutrition rehabilitation of malnourished children as well as the treatment and care of HIV positive women and children. She was part of a team formulating child health and nutrition policies for the new democratic South African government. Ingrid, in cooperation with researchers from the Center for Health and Wellbeing at Princeton University and the University of Chicago, in a South African study, has been assessing the impact of poverty on health and evaluating an outreach child health and nutrition intervention program. She has for several years been teaching a health policy task force at the Woodrow Wilson School.
Karl le Roux
Karl le Roux was a visiting research fellow at CHW for the 2015-2016 academic year and also taught a task force on “Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries” at the WWS. He was born in Sweden, but grew up in South Africa where he qualified as a medical doctor (MD) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1999. He holds postgraduate diplomas in Anaeshetics and Obstetrics and a Masters in International Health from Uppsala University. He has, since November 2006, worked at Zithulele Hospital, a rural facility in the former homeland of the Transkei, now in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. He is passionate about maternal and child health, breastfeeding, HIV/ARV care and rural medicine. He served as Chairperson of the Rural Doctors’ Association of Southern Africa (RuDASA) from 2008 to 2012, where he advocated for better policies for rural healthcare and for better working conditions for rural healthcare workers. He is an honorary lecturer at the UCT Primary Health Care Directorate and he has just been appointed to the National Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity Committee (NaPeMMCo), which advises the South African Minister of Health on issues of maternal and infant health.
Leigh Linden
Leigh Linden is an Assistant Professor at Columbia University with appointments in both the Department of Economics and the School of International and Public Affairs. As an economist, Linden specializes in the fields of development and labor economics, exploring the microeconomic determinants of income inequality and poverty. His current interests include the use of social programs, and in particular education, to improve the well-being of children from poor families. In addition, Leigh has two smaller strands of research: investigating political economy issues in developing countries, specifically India, and the computational difficulty of choices faced by consumers and the optimal pricing of computer networks. He also consults on the design of evaluations, is an affiliate of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a fellow of the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy at Columbia University. Linden received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2004 and a BA in Economics and a BS in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1997.
Peter Locke
Peter Locke came to the Center for Health and Wellbeing from Princeton's Department of Anthropology, where he completed his Ph.D. in September 2009. Peter received his BA in anthropology in 2001 from the University of Virginia, and came to Princeton in 2003 with a Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities. His research and teaching interests are in cultural and medical anthropology, ethnographic research methods, mental health and humanitarian interventions, and global health initiatives. He carried out ethnographic research in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he investigated the social and medical impact of post-war mental health services. His research and writing have been funded by the International Research and Exchanges Board and the American Council of Learned Societies. His dissertation, "City of Survivors," charts everyday forms of resilience in Sarajevo in order to ground debates about social responsibility, humanitarian aid, and health care needs in the aftermath of war. His new research explores changing patterns and institutions of mental health care in the context of new political economies in post-socialist Eastern Europe. At CHW, he contributed to the Grand Challenges Initiative in Global Health and Infectious Disease and engages students working toward the Global Health and Health Policy certificate.
Trevon Logan
Trevon Logan visited CHW in the fall of 2008. Trevon is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Ohio State University who specializes in economic history, economic demography, and biodemography. He also does work that intersects with health economics, applied econometrics, applied microeconomics and development economics. Trevon's research agenda covers three general areas: (1) Historical Living Standards. This includes analysis of nutritional well-being, household allocation of resources, economies of scale in the household, and comparative measures of living standards over time. (2) Biodemography. In this area he is currently looking at the modeling of physiological capital, estimating the rate of transmission of phusiological capital (mother to child) in the twentieth century, and looking at the convergence in biomarkers between groups in the last two hundred years. (3) Applied Demography. His largest project in this area looks at the phenomenon of dowries in South Asia with his co-worker Raj Arunachalam. In addition, Trevon is also returning to work that looks at the role of human capital in the migration of African Americans before World War I. He receievd his Ph.D. from the University of California-Berkeley in 2004.
Adrienne Lucas
Adrienne Lucas's research focuses on development and growth economics, with a particular interest in disease and human capital accumulation. Her current work includes studies on tropical diseases, free primary education in sub-Saharan Africa, and the importance of schooling inputs in the human capital production function. She is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Wellesley College and received her Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University in 2006.
Shelly Lundberg
Shelly Lundberg visited CHW and the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing for six week during the fall of 2005. She is Castor Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Research on Families at the University of Washington. She is currently an associate editor of Labour Economics: An International Journal, and a member of the editorial board of Review of Economics of the Household, and was a founding member of both the MacArthur Foundation's Research Network on the Family and the Inequality Modeling Group. Her research is focused in labor economics and the economics of the family, and includes both theoretical modeling (of discrimination and inequality and of family decision-making) and empirical analysis (of fertility, labor supply, wage determination, and intra-household allocation of resources). Her current research includes studies of racial segregation and inequality and the retirement and savings decisions of married couples, and NIH-funded projects on the relationship between family roles and labor market outcomes for American men and women and on the development of children as economic agents. Ph.D Northwestern University, 1981.
Sharon Maccini
Sharon Maccini was a post-doctoral research associate at CHW during the 2006-07 academic year. She is a health economist focusing on the intersection of health policy, public finance and development. Her overarching research interest is the econometric evaluation of public health policies in developing countries. Current research focuses on the impact of decentralization on health outcomes and public health in the Philippines, and the role of environmental conditions at birth on health and socioeconomic status in adulthood in Indonesia. She is also beginning research on the link between weather patterns and health. She holds a BA in political science from Brown University and a Ph.D. in Health Policy from Harvard University.
Robert MacCulloch
Robert MacCulloch was a research associate with CHW from 2002 to 2004. His research focuses on the intersection of economics and psychology, specifically in the area of well-being. He received his Ph.D. from Oxford University in 1997, and then completed a fellowship at the London School of Economics. During his tenure here, Dr. MacCulloch's research focused on the relationship between macroeconomic conditions-unemployment, income, and income inequality-and life satisfaction.
Anandi Mani
Anandi Mani was a Visiting Research Collaborator at the Woodrow Wilson School and the CHW for the 2014-2015 academic year. She is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick in the UK and a member of the Institute of Advanced Study (2014-15). She is also a Research Affiliate at Ideas42 at Harvard University and a Fellow at research centre Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) in the UK. Her research interests are in the area of development economics, with a focus on behavioral issues related to poverty, gender and social exclusion. Her recent and ongoing research focuses on the impact of poverty on the allocation of cognitive resources and its implications for poverty alleviation efforts. She is also interested in issues related to gender violence and the psychological impacts of social exclusion.
Bruce McEwen
Bruce McEwen worked with the Center for Health and Wellbeing in the role of visiting research collaborator. Bruce's laboratory research deals with the impact of stress and stress hormones on the brain and on immune function. He and his laboratory colleagues also study sex differences and sex hormone, especially estrogen, effects on the brain, particularly those effects that are "non-reproductive." This work has led to a realization that stress hormone effects are biphasic--protective in the short run and potentially damaging in the long run, hence the title of his seminal New England Journal of Medicine paper on allostatic load published in 1998. The work of his laboratory also points to the importance of studying gender differences in many of these effects.
Edward Miguel
Edward Miguel was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2002-03 academic year. He came to CHW from UC Berkeley where, at the time, he was Assistant Professor of Economics. Dr. Miguel’s research focuses on health and health policy in developing countries. He has conducted several studies of de-worming programs and educational attainment in Kenya. While at Princeton, he was associated with both CHW and the Research Program in Development Studies and worked on a number of new research projects, including social networks and health; child health and educational outcomes; and pre-school nutrition and schooling in India. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2000.
Doug Miller
Doug Miller was a Visiting Faculty member during the 2012-13 academic year from the University of California, Davis, where he is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University in 2000. His research examines the impact of economic forces, social policy, and the environment on health. Dr. Miller has measured the effects of business cycles, inheritances, Head Start, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and air pollution on infant, child, and adult health. He also works in the area of applied econometrics, using and building tools for measuring casual effects and for conducting accurate statistical inference. He also has research interests in development economics.
Talya Miron-Shatz
Talya Miron-Shatz has been a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the CHW since 2005. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Hebrew University. Her dissertation dealt with the persistence of preliminary information in judgment despite various debiasing interventions, comparing lay and expert performance. At the CHW Talya investigated heuristic decision making in well-being accounts with Professor Daniel Kahneman; specifically, she studied how features that carry an extreme valence influence judgment. She also examines this question in the context of consumer decision making, using experimental techniques and analyzing internet interviews. Her other projects deal with self-enhancement and the way it is modified by framing and external characteristics (e.g., coping with terror threats and surviving Hurricane Katrina). She has recently developed a course to familiarize students and medical professionals with normative and bounded rationality models of decision making, where she focused on the difficulties associated with understanding probabilistic information, and the fallacies that might ensue. Prior to her doctoral studies Talya was the head of an evaluation unit, and dealt with personnel selection and project evaluation for a large government organization in Israel. She has published several novels with Ariel Shatz. In addition, Talya writes on medical decision making, focusing on issues such as patient autonomy, and the difficulty of interpreting probabilistic information, in her blog Baffled by Numbers, on the Psychology Today website.
P. Read Montague
P. Read Montague was a visiting research scholar jointly with CHW and Psychology during the 2004 spring term. He was an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine at the time of his stay. Dr. Montague's research focuses on theoretical neuroscience, a field that investigates computational properties of the brain. He received an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Auburn University and a Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics from the University in Alabama, and studied theoretical neuroscience at Rockfeller University and The Salk Institute for his postdoctoral work.
Carey Morewedge
Carey Morewedge was a post-doctoral research associate at the CHW for 2006-2007. His research investigates how assessments of subjective utility are influenced by one's temporal perspective (prospectively, in real-time, and retrospectively), and how people allocate responsibility for decisions. At CHW, his primary line of research investigated the comparative influence of internal (e.g., what one is thinking) and external stimuli (e.g., what one is doing) on utility in real-time and retrospective evaluations with Professor Daniel Kahneman. Carey received a Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard University in 2006.
Sendhil Mullainathan
Sendhil Mullainathan is a Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Founder of ideas42, a non-profit organization devoted to using behavioral economics to create novel policies. His research focuses on behavioral economics, consumer finance and poverty. He has published extensively in top economics journals and has received numerous grants and fellowships including a MacArthur Foundation 'genius grant'. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Founding Member of the Poverty Action Lab, and a Board Member of the Bureau of Research in the Economic Analysis of Development. He has recently been appointed Assistant Director of Research at the U.S. Treasury’s newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Anna Münch
Anna Münch was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at CHW. Together with Burton Singer she is working currently on a project about socio-sanitary interventions to nomadic pastoralists in the Sahel. Between 2003 and 2007 she undertook research in the North of Mali and built up a network of West African research and development institutions collaborating in the "West African Nomadic Pastoralist Research Group." Her main interest focuses on a 'one health' approach, on local illness hermeneutics, illness semantics, help seeking behavior, as well as on methodological bridges between humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, between North and South, but also between research and development as a transdisciplinary process between research and society. She holds a Ph.D. in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Bern, 2007, but wrote an interdisciplinary dissertation about health perception and healthcare of Tamasheq nomads in Northern Mali.
Lauren Necochea
Lauren Necochea was a policy fellow at the CHW and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation during the 2006-07 academic year. Lauren graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs where she earned her masters in public affairs and a certificate in health and health policy. While a graduate student, Lauren completed a health analyst internship at the United States Agency for International Development. She has also worked as a program officer at Innovations for Poverty Action and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to assist with research on microfinance in Peru.
J. Peter Nilsson
J. Peter Nilsson was a visiting associate research scholar at the Center for Health and Wellbeing during the spring 2014 semester. He was visiting Princeton from the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University, where he is an assistant professor. Peter’s research is in health and labor economics, focusing on the role of early life conditions on long term economic outcomes. He is currently using NASA data on inversion episodes combined with Swedish register data to investigate how poor air quality affects the health of children across socioeconomic groups. In earlier work he studied how the phase-out of leaded gasoline have affected children’s cognitive skills and labor market outcomes, but also the impact of an alcohol availability policy experiment on children exposed to it in utero. Other work includes studies on the importance of co-workers in affecting productivity and fertility timing decisions. Peter has a Ph.D. in Economics from Uppsala University, has previously been a visiting scholar at Columbia University and a post doc at SIEPR, Stanford University.
Jonathan Oberlander
Jonathan Oberlander is Professor of Social Medicine and Health Policy & Management at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where he teaches in the School of Medicine and Gillings School of Global Public Health. His research focuses on health care politics and policy, health reform, and Medicare. Currently, he is studying and writing about health care cost containment and the Affordable Care Act, the battle over Medicare, and the political history of U.S. health care reform.
Dr. Oberlander is author of The Political Life of Medicare (University of Chicago Press, 2001) and is co-editor of a 3-volume book series (The Social Medicine Reader, 2nd ed.) published by Duke University Press in 2005. His articles have appeared in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, Annals of Internal Medicine,Social Science and Medicine, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, and Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Dr. Oberlander has commented on health reform for a number of media outlets, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and the New York Review of Books, National Public Radio, the BBC, CBS News and PBS.
Oberlander holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in political science from Yale University, and a B.A. in political science from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He has been a visiting scholar at Princeton and the Russell Sage Foundation, and held fellowships at the Brookings Institution and University of California-Berkeley.
Cormac Ó Gráda
Cormac Ó Gráda is Professor of Economics at University College Dublin. He has held visiting research positions at Northwestern University, the University of Copenhagen, the Shelby Cullom Davis Center (Princeton University), l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), and Melbourne University. He is co-editor of the European Review of Economic History.
He has published widely in Irish, British and U.S. economic history, on topics ranging from international migration to financial contagion, and from land tenure to Irish Jewry. His Jewish Ireland in the Age of Joyce (Princeton, 2006) began as an investigation of the well-known finding that infant mortality in historic Jewish communities was very low, but evolved into a more comprehensive socio-economic history of ireland's small Jewish community between the 1870s and the 1940s.
Cormac's recent research has been mainly concerned with the global economic history of famines, culminating inFamine: A Short History (Princeton, 2009). One ongoing project involves an analysis of the shifting relationship between mortality and living standards in England between the late Middle Ages (when life expectancy and real wages were both low) and the early industrial era (when the positive check counted for less even though real wages were, apparently at least, no higher). A second ongoing project addresses the link between wages, productivity, and health in England and France before the Industrial Revolution. Wages were much higher in England, but so were mean adult height, life expectancy, and output per worker. The goal is to assess how these advantages made modern economic growth more likely.
Franco Peracchi
Franco Peracchi has been a visiting research scholar at the Center for Health and Wellbeing on two occasions – fall of 2006 and for the 2014 academic year. He is a Professor of Econometrics at Tor Vergata University and a Fellow of the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), both in Rome, Italy. After receiving a MSc in Econometrics from the London School of Economics and a PhD in Economics from Princeton University, Franco taught at UCLA and NYU before returning to Italy. His research interests include econometrics, development, labor and health economics, and the economics of social security and pensions. He is currently working on cognitive decline among the elderly in Europe, health and living standards in post-unification Italy, and issues of nonresponse and missing data in household surveys.
Krista Perreira
Krista Perreira was a research scholar during the fall term, 2004. Perreira received her Ph.D. in Health Economics from UC Berkeley, and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Public Policy, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on the inter-relationships between family, health and social policy with an emphasis on racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in health status and economic opportunity. During her stay, Perreira worked closely with the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing (CRCW). She conducted research on the etiology of prenatal alcohol and tobacco use and the effects of parental alcohol and tobacco use on young childrens' health.
Genevieve (Genny) Pham-Kanter
Genevieve (Genny) Pham-Kanter is a postdoctoral fellow with joint appointments in the Office of Population Research and the Center for Health and Wellbeing. She is trained in economics and sociology and is interested in research questions in both fields. Substantively, Genny's research focuses on health disparities, pharmaceutical policy, and health care markets. She received her Ph.D. in Economics and in Sociology from the University of Chicago in 2009. Prior to graduate school, she spent two years working in southern Africa.
Daniel Rees
Daniel Rees was a Visiting Research Scholar at CHW for the 2014-2015 academic year. He is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Colorado Denver and the Editor-in-Chief of the Economics of Education Review. He received a B.A. from Oberlin College and a Ph.D. from the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Professor Rees is interested in the determinants and consequences of risky adolescent behavior as well as the effects of chronic health conditions on human capital acquisition. His research includes studying the relationship between prenatal stress and child health, the effect of combat exposure on violent crime, and the effects of legalizing medical and recreational marijuana on a variety of outcomes including alcohol consumption, suicides, and traffic fatalities. Professor Rees is an IZA Research Fellow and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Population Economics and of IZA World of Labor.
Nancy Reichman
Nancy Reichman was a Visiting Research Scholar during the 2012-13 academic year. She is Professor of Pediatrics at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She is an economist with a broad portfolio of research focusing on linkages between socioeconomic status and health, including studies of determinants of infant and child health, effects of child health on family resources, and biosocial sources of health disparities. Her most recent and ongoing work has focused on effects of welfare reform in the U.S. on social behaviors including drug use and crime, effects of the economic crisis in Iceland on health behaviors, health across the lifecourse in an international comparative context, duration and cohort effects in immigrant health, and effects of life shocks on crime and homelessness. Reichman holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the City University of New York, an MBA in Finance from SUNY Buffalo, and a B.A. in Economics from Trinity College in Hartford, CT.
Jason Riis
Jason Riis is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Stern School of Business, New York University. At CHW he worked on cross-national differences in well-being with Professor Daniel Kahneman, first as a Post-doctoral Research Associate (2003-2006) and then as a Research Collaborator (2006-2008). He also conducts research on adaptation to health and consumption, the use and perception of enhancement technologies, and the relationship between time use and well-being. He received a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Michigan in 2003.
Alan Sanfey
Alan Sanfey was a research associate with CHW and the Center of the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior from 2001 to 2004. He received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology form the University of Colorado. His research explores cognitive and neural processes that underlie human judgment and decision making.
David Schkade
David Schkade was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2001-2002 academic year. At the time of his visit he was the Herbert D. Kelleher Regents Professor of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include the psychology of judgment and decision making, environmental resource evaluation, intuitive forecasting and psychological aspects of decision support systems. He is one of the principal investigators, along with Professor Kahneman, on a project carried out within the Center for Health and Wellbeing to create innovative new measures of human wellbeing.
Mark Schlesinger
Mark Schlesinger was a visiting research Scholar at the CHW during the 2006-07 academic year. His research focuses on three topics. The first explores ways in which the general public and policymakers make sense of and communicate about complex social issues, as well as how they evaluate policies to address those issues. This research examines the determinants of public opinion, the role of political framing, and the importance of norms of fairness in policy assessment. The second set of research examines the impact of ownership on the delivery of health and social services. These studies explore the comparative performance of nonprofit, for-profit and public health care agencies, the nature of public expectations involving ownership, and the extent to which ownership is related to trust in and trustworthiness of medical care. The third set of research examines the attitudinal and behavioral underpinnings of medical consumerism, comparing the effectiveness of exit versus voice to improve medical markets, and identifying the barriers to effective consumer empowerment.
Hannes Schwandt
Hannes Schwandt was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at CHW from the fall of 2012 to the spring of 2015. He completed his PhD in Economics in a joint program with London School of Economics in June 2012. He is also affiliated to IZA. His research and teaching interests include health economics, labor economics and applied microeconometrics, with a particular focus on the relationship of socio-economic status and health. In his dissertation "Essays in the Economics of Health and Wellbeing" he investigates how economic shocks affect health outcomes in the US. In a chapter on subjective wellbeing he further analyzes whether people make systematic errors when predicting their future life satisfaction. His current research extends findings from his dissertation on the socio-economic gradient in population health and on the patterns in life satisfaction forecasts.
Janet Schwartz
Janet Schwartz was a post-doctoral research associate at the CHW from 2005-2008. Her current area of research is on the psychology of healthcare decisions with a particular interest in how people behave as consumers in the healthcare domain. Her primary project at the Center for Health and Well-being is studying psychological and economic barriers to medical benefits uptake among University employees. Ph.D., in Cognitive Psychology, 2003.
Chris Seplaki
Chris Seplaki was a post-doctoral researcher in the Office of Population Research and the Center for Health and Wellbeing in 2003-04, and under the sponsorship of CHW in 2004-05. He received his Ph.D. in Population Health from the University of Wisconsin in 2002. Seplaki worked closely with Professor Noreen Goldman on issues related to health and aging. Together with Professor Goldman, he researched the relationship between stressful life experiences and health decline in older Taiwanese.
Manisha Shah
Manisha Shah is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of California-Irvine. She has also worked and served as a consultant for international agencies and governments, including the World Bank, CIMMYT in Mexico, and the Water and Sanitation Program. She is an affiliate of the Center of Evaluation for Global Action (CEGA) at UC Berkeley and a Fellow of IZA in Bonn.
Shah is a development economist whose primary research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of applied microeconomics, health, and development. She has written various papers on the economics of sex markets in Latin America in order to learn how more effective policies and programs can be developed to slow the spread of HIV/AIDS in the region. Much of this work focuses on how risk behavior responds to economic incentives that sex workers face in their work and home environment. Her other major research area is child health. She is currently leading a project to evaluate the impact of improved sanitation in rural Indonesia on various child health outcomes.
Emilia Simeonova
Emilia Simeonova was a Visiting Faculty member during the 2012-13 academic year. She is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at Tufts University. Until recently, she also had an appointment as a junior researcher at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University. She completed her doctoral studies at Columbia University, graduating with a PhD in Economics in 2008. Simeonova is a health economist with research interests in the economics of health care delivery, patient adherence to therapy and the interaction between physicians and patients, racial disparities in health outcomes, the long-term effects of shocks to children's health and the intergenerational transmission of health. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Swedish Research Council and the Danish Academy of Sciences. She is currently working on several projects that use registry-based nation-wide data from Scandinavian countries. In addition to health economics, Simeonova is interested in behavioral and development economics.
Sara Singer
Sara Singer, MBA, Ph.D., graduated from Princeton in 1986 with a degree in English. She later earned an MBA at Stanford and a Ph.D. at Harvard. Dr. Singer is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in the Institute for Health Policy at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research uses organizational safety, organizationl learning, leadership theories and mixed qualitative and quantitative methods to understand and improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care organizations. Recent research measured safety climate in more than 100 hospitals, explored variation in safety climate within and among hospitals, and examined the relationship of safety climate and safety performance. Her current research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions to improve safety by enhancing learning-oriented leadership. Dr. Singer developed and teaches a Masters level course at the Harvard School of Public Health, entitled Health Care Organizations and Organizational Behavior: Leadership and Management of Learning, Innovation and Performance Improvement. She also advises Doctoral and Masters-degree students at the School of Public Health. Dr. Singer was a Visiting Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School's Center for Health and Wellbing for the academic year 2009-10.
Stephanie Smith-Simone
Stephanie Smith-Simone was a post-doctoral fellow at the CHW and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for 2006-2007. Stephanie is a social and behavioral scientist who specializes in the use of qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the impact of health policies and modifiable health behaviors on health outcomes. Her current research examines the impact of clean indoor air policies on childhood asthma outcomes, determining effective strategies for increasing consumer demand for tobacco cessation products and services among low-income and ethnic minority populations, and tobacco use, particularly waterpipe use among college students. Prior to joining RWJF, Stephanie held policy-related positions in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Institute of Medicine. Stephanie received an MPH and PhD from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she graduated with honors and was inducted into the Delta Omega Honor Society.
Mark Stabile
Mark Stabile was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2002-03 academic year. He is a health economist who came to CHW from the University of Toronto where, at the time of his visit, he was an Assistant Professor of Economics. Dr. Stabile received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1999. His research spans several areas in health. He studies markets for health insurance, with a focus on the interplay between public and private insurance systems that co-exist in many countries. He also studies the social and economic determinants of health, and is currently researching economic status and the physical and mental health of Canadian children.
Cassio Turra
Cassio Turra was post-doctoral research associate with CHW during 2005-06. Prior to coming to CHW, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Office of Population Research. Turra’s research interests are in socioeconomic and racial/ethnic differences in health and mortality across the life course, economic demography, aging and biodemography. While at Princeton, he worked with Professor Noreen Goldman on a project that evaluated the relationships between life challenges, social environment, physical and mental health and mortality in older Taiwanese. Turra is also a collaborator in an international team supervised by Ronald Lee and Andrew Mason that seeks to compare intergenerational transfers in different contexts using large datasets from various countries. He received his Ph.D. in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania in 2004. He also holds a Master in Demography from CEDEPLAR ( Brazil).
Jürg Utzinger
Jürg Utzinger was a research fellow with CHW and OPR from 2000 to 2003. He received his Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the Swiss Tropical Institute, University of Basel. His research is in epidemiology and control of malaria. During his fellowship at Princeton he worked closely with Prof. Burton Singer on several projects involving malaria controls in Tanzania and Malaysia.
Eric Verhoogen
Eric Verhoogen was a visiting research scholar at the CHW during the fall 2007 semester. He is an economist working at the intersection of development, labor and trade economics. His main area of research is industrial development, the microeconomics of the industrial sectors of developing countries. Some of his recent work has focused on how Mexican manufacturing firms have responded to ongoing international integration, and the consequences for labor market outcomes. He is currently interested in expanding that focus to include the consequences for broader measures of well-being. He is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Economics and of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and holds a bachelor's degree from Harvard, a master's degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a PhD from UC Berkeley.
Joachim Voth
Joachim Voth was a visiting research scholar at the CHW during the fall 2007 semester. He is ICREA Research Professor of Economics and Economic History at the Economics Department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He obtained a Ph.D. from Nuffield College, Oxford, in 1996 and a M.Sc. from St. Antony's College, Oxford, in 1993. He has held visiting appointments at Stanford, MIT, and NYU-Stern, and has published a book with Oxford University Press as well as, inter alia, in the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Economic Journal, the Journal of Economic History, and the Journal of Economic Growth. He has interests in the long-run economic development and growth, the effect of cognitive development on economic outcomes, and the history of stock market bubbles and speculation.
Till von Wachter
Till von Wachter was a visiting research scholar at the CHW for the Spring of 2007. He received a Master in Economics at the University of Bonn and a PhD in Economics at the University of California Berkeley. His research interests focus on the long-term effects of labor market conditions such as job losses or recessions on labor market and social outcomes for younger, older, and less advantaged workers. Among others, he has analyzed the persistent effects of shocks early in workers' careers using longitudinal administrative data sets from Canada, Germany, and the U.S. His current work focuses on the effects of a job loss during mass-layoffs on short and long-term mortality outcomes, and on the effect of labor market conditions on entry into disability insurance and retirement. He has published in the American Economic Review and is a research fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Center for Economic Policy Research, and the Institute for the Study of Labor.
Robert Whitaker
Robert Whitaker was a visiting research scholar at CHW during the 2001-02 and 2002-03 academic years. At the time of his visit, he was Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and an attending physician at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati. He received his M.D. at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research focuses on the childhood antecedents of adult chronic disease with particular interest in the area of childhood obesity. Dr. Whitaker has published research on dietary fat consumption in school children and on risk factors for the development of obesity.
Joachim Winter
Joachim Winter was a Visiting Fellow during the 2012-13 academic year, from the University of Munich, Germany, where he is a Professor of Economics since 2004. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Mannheim in 1996. Much of his current research focuses on the long-run effects of early life circumstances. He also analyzes the determinants of health insurance choices, in particular in the context of the new prescription drug coverage introduced with Medicare Part D. On the methodological side, he is interested in survey measurement of consumption, health and subjective expectations. In this context, he develops econometric models that account for measurement errors induced by the cognitive processes individuals use when they respond to survey questions.
Lisa Wynn
Lisa Wynn was a post-doctoral at the CHW during 2006-07. She has conducted ethnographic research in Saudi Arabia and Egypt on women's issues, social movements and identity politics, nationalism and the uses it makes of history and archaeology, tourism, and transnational movements of people and culture. Her first book on these issues, entitled "Pyramids and Nightclubs: An Ethnography of Transnational Imaginations," will be published by University of Texas Press in 2007. Her current research with James Trussell investigates the politics and discourse surrounding emergency contraception in the US, Canada, and the Arab world; the translation of new medical terms into Arabic; and language and communication between patients and health professionals when talking about sexual and reproductive health. Her next research project will explore the construction of embryonic personhood in medical texts. In past years she has taught graduate-level seminars at the Woodrow Wilson School as a Lecturer in Public and International Affairs, and in Fall 2006 she is assisting João Biehl with the Medical Anthropology course (ANT 335) in Princeton's Department of Anthropology. Lisa received her PhD from Princeton University, Dept. of Anthropology in 2003.