Graduate Certificate in Health and Health Policy

Frequently Asked Questions


Who should enroll in the program?
The Certificate trains graduate students for careers in health-related areas in the public and not-for-profit sectors. The program is designed for graduate students with domestic and international health interests and provides both broad training in core topics in health and health policy as well as courses in specialized areas.

How do I enroll?
Students wishing to enroll should consult the HHP Requirements page of this website.

Who is eligible to enroll in the program?
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs MPA and MPP students are eligible for the Certificate. Princeton University graduate students in other departments may also make arrangements to complete the Certificate. The Certificate is not open to undergraduates or to students from other universities.


What requirements must I complete to get the Certificate?
To read the requirements for receipt of the Certificate, consult the HHP Requirements page of this website.

Are any requirements ever waived?
Program requirements may not be waived, but in exceptional cases students may be allowed to satisfy one of the two elective courses through alternative coursework. These allowances require special approval in advance from the Program Director. For instructions on elective course substitution requests, consult the HHP Courses page of this website.


What are the required ("core") courses?
The required courses are WWS 597 (Political Economy of Health Systems) and WWS 598 (Epidemiology). For more information on these courses, consult the HHP Courses page of this website.

Which courses qualify as "health-related" electives?
To see the current academic year’s list of approved electives that qualify for Certificate Program credit, consult the HHP Courses page of this website.

What if I take a health-related course that does not appear on the list of approved electives?
To request special advance permission to substitute one of the two required elective courses with another a health-related graduate-level course, consult the HHP Courses page of this website and contact the Certificate Director immediately.

Am I required to take Certificate Program courses for a grade?
Both of the required core courses–WWS 597 (Political Economy of Health Systems) and WWS 598 (Epidemiology)–must be taken for a grade (not P/D/F) if students wish to count them towards the Certificate. Students may take the elective courses P/D/F.

Can I take Certificate Program courses even if I don't enroll to pursue the Certificate?
Yes. Non-Certificate students are welcome and encouraged to take the core courses, provided that there is space available after all Certificate students have enrolled. Certificate students will have priority for some Certificate Program courses.

Are there any extra-curricular options associated with the Certificate?
Yes. Visit our HHP Extracurricular opportunities page to learn more.