Graduate Certificate in Health and Health Policy
HHP Certificate Program
The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs offers a Certificate in Health and Health Policy, sponsored by the Center for Health and Wellbeing. The Certificate program, founded in 2003-04, reflects the growing importance of health as a major public policy issue and underscores the School's commitment to teaching and research in health and health policy. The program is designed for graduate students with domestic and international health interests and provides both broad training in core topics in health and health policy as well as courses in specialized areas. Princeton School of Public and International Affairs MPA and MPP students are eligible for the Certificate, as are Princeton University doctoral or masters students in other departments.
The Certificate is not open to students who are not enrolled in a Princeton University graduate degree program. There are also no distance learning or e-learning options; all Certificate coursework is done in person on campus.
Certificate Director
Janet Currie
Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs
Co-Director, Center for Health and Wellbeing